quarta-feira, 29 de fevereiro de 2012

Our favourite films - Stardust


The film is about a boy named Tristan and his search to find a shooting star in the hope to win the heart of a girl. In his search, he finds out that the star is actually a human girl named Yvaine. Together they have to face dangers like wicked witches, flying pirates, ghost princes. They all want Yvaine but only one of them discovers what is really important in life.
      “Stardust” is a fairy tale for adults. It’s a story with many rich details in which the characters play against each other to win the star. It’s funny, enchanted, magical and unique.
      It has a lot of famous actors like Robert De Niro, Michelle Pfeiffer and Claire Danes. They are amazing in the film, especially Robert De Niro who makes many laughable scenes.
      This is one of my favourite films because it’s about human relationships that are brought to a magical world. It makes us believe that the stars are watching over us; that they are a mistery to be solved. These two ingredients make a perfect combination to a perfect movie.
Maria Pinto, 10º H

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